Todd Ray Young
"Temporal Clusters Prefer to be Equally Distributed - an example from the Yeast Cell Cycle". Plenary Talk, Miami University 47th Annual Mathematics Conference: Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems and their Applications. Oxford, Ohio, September 2019.
''Two dimensional heteroclinic attractor in the generalized Lotka-Volterra system". SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Snowbird, UT, May 2019. Minisymposium on Heteroclinic Cycles in Competitive Species.
Topology Seminar, Duluth MN, Feb 2019, Two dimensional heteroclinic attractor in the generalized Lotka-Volterra system.
Graduate Colloquium, Duluth MN, Feb 2019, Dynamics of Tensor Approximation in Narrow Valleys.
Undergraduate Colloquium, Duluth MN, Feb 2019, The surprising usefulness of `rank'.
AMS Regional Meeting - Special Session on Differential Equations, Ann Arbor, MI, Oct 2018, ``Temporal Clusters Prefer to be Equally Distributed - an example from the Yeast Cell Cycle".
Dynamics of Tensor Approximation in Narrow Valleys , Workshop on Dynamical Systems, Atlanta, August 2017. In honor of Prof Shui-Nee Chow.
The Surprising Usefulness of "Rank" , Ohio University Math Club, Athens, November 2017.
Yeast Cell Cycle and Metabolism can be Coupled in Nontrivial Ways , AMS Regional Meeting, Pullman, WA, April 2017.
Clustering in Cell Cycle Dynamics with Feedback , Dynamical Systems Analysis Seminar, VU Amsterdam/UvA, October 2014.
Clustering in Cell Cycle Dynamics with Feedback , Complexity Forum, University of Warwick, October 2014.
Systems Biology of the Pulmonary Infection Process in Humans, SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, May 2013. Work by Erik Boczko.
Clustering in Cell Cycle Dynamics with General Forms of Feedback , Summer School on Dynamical Systems, Dubna, Russia, June 2013.
Bifurcations of Planar Random Differential Equations with Bounded Noise, Summer School on Dynamical Systems, Dubna, Russia, June 2013. Joint work with Ale Jan Homburg.
Clustering in Cell Cycle Dynamics with General Forms of Feedback, or, How a dynamical Systems Viewpoint can be Useful for Biology., Ohio University College of Arts and Sciences New Professor Lecture Series, April 2011.
Bifurcations of Random Differential Equations with Bounded Noise, AMS Sectional Meeting, Special Session on Dynamical Systems, Boca Raton, October 2009. Joint work with Ale Jan Homburg
Cell Cycle Dynamics and Clustering for Yeast, Workshop on New Directions in Dynamical Systems, In Honor of Henk Broer. Lorenz Center, Leiden, Netherlands, December 2009. Joint work with Erik Boczko, Tomas Gedeon, Chris Stowers and Bastien Fernandez.