Todd Young |
Dynamics in Biology Research Group - Spring 2014. Xue Gong, Todd Young, Kara Finley, Richard Buckalew, Ying Xin, Winfried Just, Danielle Witt, Valentin Afraimovich, Greg Moses, Bismark Oduro, Will Clark. Missing: Nathan Breitsch, Philip Miller. |
Professor of Mathematics
My mission: To contribute to transformative progress in biology and
numerical analysis through the application of dynamical systems ideas and to
give students at all levels exciting and rigorous training in the
mathematical sciences that will help them to have productive, rewarding careers.
Contact Information
Education & Professional Experience
MATLAB for Calculus Homework Assignments
1804 Project - Computational Technology in the Calculus and Beyond
Book: Technology in College Math - A Simple Approach
The Matlab Workbook - A Supplement for Calculus, Differential Equations and Linear Algebra.
Transient Dynamics of Block Coordinate Descent in a Valley, M. Mohlenkamp, T. Young, B. Barany. Intl~J~Num Anal Modeling 17 (4) 2020, 557-591.
The Optimization Landscape for Fitting a Rank-2 Tensor with a Rank-1 Tensor, M. Mohlenkamp, G. Xue, T. Young, SIAM J Appl Dyn Sys. 17 (2018), 1432-1477. doi: 10.1137/17M112213X.
ODE, RDE and SDE Models of Cell Cycle Dynamics and Clustering in Yeast, Erik M. Boczko, Tomas Gedeon, Chris C. Stowers and T.R. Young, J. Biological Dynamics 4, July 2010, 328–345.
Clustering in Cell Cycle Dynamics with General Responsive/Signaling Feedback, T.R. Young, B. Fernandez, R. Buckalew, G. Moses, E. Boczko, J. Theor. Biology 292 (2012), 103-115.
Cell Cycle Dynamics: Clustering is Universal in Negative Feedback Systems, N. Breitsch, G. Moses, T.R. Young, E. Boczko, J. Math. Biology, 70 (5) (2015), 1151-1175. %50 doi: 10.1007/s00285-014-0786-7.
Instability of the Steady State Solution in Cell Cycle Population Structure Models with Feedback, B. Barany, G. Moses, T. Young, J. Math. Biology. 78 (5) 2019, 1365–1387. doi: 10.1007/s00285-018-1312-0.
Temporal Clustering in Cell Cycle Dynamics, T. Young, K. Prathom, J. Rombouts, Dynamical Systems Magazine, SIAM DSWeb, Jan 2019.
Clusters Tend to be of Equal Size in a Negative Feedback Population Model of Cell Cycle Dynamics, J. Rombouts, K. Prathom, T. Young, SIAM J Appl Dynam Systems, 19 (2) 2020, 1540-1573. doi: 10.1137/19M129070X.
A Low Dimensional Dynamical Model of the Pulmonary Innate Immune Response to Infection, T.R. Young, R. Buckalew, A.K. May, E.M. Boczko, Math. Biosciences 235 (2012), 189-200. Doi: 10.1016/j.mbs.2011.12.004.
Non-Invasive detection of pulmonary pathogens in ventilator-circuit filters by PCR. R.J. Isaacs, K. Debelak, P.R. Norris, J.M. Jenkins, J.C. Rooks, T.R. Young, A.K. May, E.M. Boczko, Amer. J. Translational Research 4 (1) (2012), 72-82. PMC: 3276378.
Early Treatment Gains for Antibiotic Administration and Within Human Host Time Series Data, E~Boczko, T~Young, Math. Medicine and Biology 35 (2018), 203–224. doi:10.1093/imammb/dqw025
Nonlinear dynamics of emotion-cognition interaction: When emotion does not destroy cognition?, V. Afraimovich, T.R. Young, M.K. Muezzinoglu, M. Rabinovich, Bulletin Mathematical Biology, 73 (2011), 266-284.
Two dimensional heteroclinic attractor in the generalized Lotka-Volterra system. V. Afraimovich, G. Moses, T. Young, Nonlinearity 29 (2016) 1645-1667. doi:10.1088/0951-7715/29/5/1645
Hard bifurcations in dynamical systems with bounded random perturbations, with A.J. Homburg, Regular & Chaotic Dynamics 11 (2006), 247-258.
The Hopf bifurcation with bounded noise, R.T. Botts, A.J. Homburg, T.R. Young, Discrete Cont. Dynam. Systems - A. 32 (2012), 2997-3007.
Topological entropies for equivalent smooth flows, W.X.~Sun, T.R. Young and Y.H.~Zhou, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 361 (2009), 3071-3082.
Higher Order Birkhoff Averages, Thomas Jordan, Vincent Naudot and T.R. Young, Dynamical Systems 361 (2009), 3071-3082..
Comparison of binary classification based on signed distance functions with support vector machines, E.~Boczko, D.~Wu, M.H.~Xie and T.R. Young, Proc. Ohio Collaborative Conference on Bioinformatics, 2006.