Practical Techniques for Generating Points and Visualizations

In this section we discuss some of the practical issues for constructing visualizations. These issues fall between “theory” and “implementation.”

The Set of Low-Rank Tensors

We define the set of tensors of separation rank at most r by

S_r=\left\{ T \,:\, T(i_1,i_2,\ldots,i_d)
=\sum_{l=1}^r \prod_{k=1}^d V^l_k(i_k)\right\} \,.

The set S_r is not a subspace, but is star shaped. Thus S_r is connected and simply connected, and the global geometric and topological properties are simple. In order to study more interesting geometric and topological properties of S_r, we will consider tensors that are positive scalar multiples of one another to be equivalent, and then ask about the geometry and topology of this reduced set.


A visualization may be initialized by one of

  • loading a saved visualization,
  • entering a few parameters and randomly generating a visualization consistent with them, or
  • entering precisely the slice to visualize.

In random entry mode, the initial parameters for the visualization are:

  • d the dimension,
  • M the resolution or a list [M_1,M_2,\ldots,M_d] of direction-dependent resolutions,
  • r the separation rank to visualize,
  • The field (real or complex) over which to work.
  • r_b the separation rank of T_1, T_2, and (in the real case) T_3.

With these parameters we can randomly generate T_1, T_2, and (in the real case) T_3 and start the visualization. To minimize distortions in the visualization, we normalize so \|T_i\|=1.

In manual entry mode, the initial parameters for the visualization are:

  • r the separation rank to visualize,
  • T_1, T_2, and (in the real case) T_3, the tensors defining the slice.

The tensors T_1, T_2, and (in the real case) T_3 must have consistent dimension d and resolutions [M_1,M_2,\ldots,M_d], but may have different ranks.

If d, M, r, T_1, T_2, or T_3 change then we must start the visualization over.

Trimming Excess Points

Although we talk of plotting points, we actually plot small discs of some radius R. As noted earlier, we plot dark discs over light discs since the dark ones are more interesting. We may then have the case where many light discs are used, but are covered by dark discs and thus invisible. They then serve only to slow down the software and so we wish to discard them. Determining if one disc is covered by a set of discs is a fairly hard computational problem, so we instead use an easy heuristic. We first sort all points by their angle from small to large and initialize an empty list of kept points. Looping through the points we check to see if the point is within R/2 of any point in the kept list. If it is then we discard this point and if it is not then we put it in the kept list.

We may also end up with points too distant from the T_i, to be meaningful. In this case we discard points outside of a user-defined rectangle.

Easy to Generate Point and Lines

If the rank of T_i is less than or equal to r, then T_i \in S_r and so it can be added to the visualization as a black point.

If the sum of the ranks of T_i and T_j is is less than or equal to r, then all tensors on the line connecting T_i and T_j are in S_{r}, and can be colored black in the visualization. In the real case the software then makes available the option to include the points on these lines. In the complex case this line is the entire visualization, so it is not interesting, but can be used for testing and debugging.

In the real case, if the sum of the ranks of T_1, T_2, and T_3 is is less than or equal to r, then the entire plane should be black. This case is not interesting, but can be used for testing and debugging.

Generating Tensors of the Desired Separation Rank

The first strategy for generating points is to generate tensors in S_r and plot them using the projection technique to determine the appropriate location and angle/color of the plotted point. The strength of this approach is that we can rapidly generate many points. The weakness of this approach is that many of these points are light colored and so not very meaningful.

One technique is to simply generate elements of S_r randomly.

A second technique is to start with a tensor that is in S_r and on the line/plane, and perform a random walk. Under the assumption that r_b \le r, we can start with one of our T_i. By randomly perturbing entries in its component vectors V_k^l, we can generate a nearby point in S_r. We could simply allow the random walk to continue, in which case we expect to drift away from the line/plane. Alternatively, we could reject moves that result in angles above some threshold and thereby restrict the walk to stay near the line/plane.

A third technique is to use a homotopy to smoothly morph one point in S_r and on the line/plane to another such point. Calling the component vectors V_k^l and W_k^l, we can generate new component vectors tV_k^l+(1-t)W_k^l for 0\le t\le 1 (or a larger interval). The intermediate points are in S_r and we can hope stay near the line/plane.

A fourth technique is to start with a tensor in S_r but not on the line/plane, and do a random walk with descent. Any move that increases the angle is rejected

Note: These techniques have been tested but are not in the current software implementation.

Testing Tensors on the Line/Plane

The main alternative strategy is to generate tensors on the line/plane and then test them for membership in S_r. As noted earlier this test is imperfect, and we also wish to include tensors in S_r that are near the line/plane in the visualization. We use the following procedure:

  1. The user defines a rectangular grid of tensors V on the line/plane.
  2. For each V, a numerical algorithm is used to attempt to produce a T\in S_r close to V in that \|T-V\| is small. We use the alternating least squares (ALS) fitting, in the version described in [BEY-MOH2005] .
  3. The tensors T\in S_r constructed above are included in the visualization.

When the ALS algorithm produces T with \|T-V\| very small then we can be confident that V\in S_r (or is a limit of elements in S_r). However, if \|T-V\| is large it may just indicate that the algorithm failed. False negatives may be identified when a light-colored point is surrounded by darker points. With repeated application, false negatives may also become covered by darker points.

ALS Performance Notes

The initial version of the ALS routine used here operates as follows.

  1. A random T\in S_r is generated.
  2. A loop through all directions is performed, doing a linear least squares fitting in a single direction at a time. This loop is repeated until one of the following conditions is met:
    • \|T-V\|<10^{-3},
    • the relative decrease in \|T-V\| from doing a loop is less than 10^{-6}, or
    • 50 iterations are performed.

On certain tests when it was know that the entire plotting plane was in S_r, and thus we should get solid black, intead this routine achieved only yellow without even scattered black points (see A note on ALS failure). An improved version of the ALS routine was then implemented that operates as follows.

  1. A random T\in S_1 is generated.
  2. A loop from 1 to r-1 is performed in which
    1. The ALS fitting loop through all directions is performed to improve T, two times.
    2. A random T'\in S_1 is generated and appended to T.
  3. A loop through all directions is performed, doing a linear least squares fitting in a single direction at a time. This loop is repeated until one of the following conditions is met:
    • \|T-V\|<10^{-3},
    • the relative decrease in \|T-V\| from doing a loop is less than 10^{-6}, or
    • 50 iterations are performed.

In the test cases where the initial ALS failed to find black, the improved ALS succeeded in at least finding dark blue. It was notably slower than the original, perhaps indicating that the original was getting stuck in local minima and terminating early.

Coordinate Normalization

As noted earlier, in the real case T_3 is at (0,0) and T_1 is in the direction (1,0) at location (\|T_1-T_3\|,0). To ease the cognitive burden on the user, coordinates that the user enters are scaled so that T_1 corresponds to (1,0). Similarly, in the complex case we normalize so that T_1 corresponds to 1+0i.