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About Matlab

MatLab, which is one of the most popular CS packages, was introduced before the invention of symbolic computation, but it now has symbolic capabilities via the Symbolic toolbox. MatLab is used heavily in Engineering schools around the country, including our own. It has excellent graphics which is important for pedagogical purposes. Matlab can also be used as a programming language and is the primary programming language used by the Department of Chemical Engineering. Another nice feature of Matlab is that it can interface with the program Maple, which has more advanced symbolic capabilities, and is also being used in the University. In fact, MatLab contains a scaled back form of Maple to do its symbolic computations. In comparison with the costs of hardware and other computer related expenses, the cost of a University site license for MatLab is absolutely trivial.

We are promoting MatLab over other software packages for a number of reasons. In addition to the feature mentioned above, MatLab is currently the most widely used package at Ohio University. It is very flexible and completely appropriate for use in the undergraduate mathematics courses. There exist many textbooks and supplements which use MatLab, including the one by Distinguished Professor Jain [4]. However, since the choice of software is one that influences education in so many departments of the University we propose that a University-wide committee be formed to make the final choice of software and this choice should be subject to approval by the Provost. Representatives from all affected entities in the University should participate. The committee should also be responsible for decisions about specific terms of the the licenses.

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Todd Young 2008-06-23