Summer salalies will be for the three investigators in the summer of 2001. The investigators will: develop assignments, coordinate use of the assignments within the Math Department, hold introductory demonstration sessions about the software around campus, and work with Computer Services on license and installation of the software. A PACE position has already been approved for the coming year for the purpose of assistance in the development and posting of assignments.
License arrangements are on a `concurrent user' basis, that is, there is a limit to the number of computers using the software at any given moment. The funds for hardware would be used for a small PC and associated software to keep track of concurrent users of MatLab. Computer Services will maintain this computer.
Funds for software will be spent on a campus-wide license for MatLab. Although the exact details of the license will be worked out by a university committee, the requested amount is intended to cover a perpetual license for 500 concurrent users at a cost of $21 per user (license for MatLab and Symbolic Math toolbox). The Department of Mathematics will contribute up to $600 per year toward the estimated cost of $2,000 per year (if a perpetual license is chosen) for maintanance of the license.