Code Documentation

Tensor Rank Visualization Tool

Copyright (c) 2009 Martin J. Mohlenkamp

Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

Portions contributed by student research assistants:

  • Sruthi Devarachetty
  • Rob Vanyo
  • Krishna Palavarapu
  • Nam Nguyen

Besides functions and classes, defines

  • colorlist: a global list of colors used, from dark to light
  • anglelist: a global list of angles at which to change color

Main Driver


Start the main Graphical User Interface


basic tensor class

class trvtool.SumSeparableTensor(data=None)

Return a Sum of Separable Tensors.

Parameters:data – either None or a list/array object whose entries are conceptually added. Each entry is a list/array object whose entries are conceptually tensor producted. Each entry of those is a list/array. Thus the whole thing could be a 3D array.


T(i_1,i_2,\ldots,i_d)&=V^1_1(i_1)V^1_2(i_2)\cdots V^1_d(i_d)+
V^2_1(i_1)V^2_2(i_2)\cdots V^2_d(i_d)+\cdots 
+V^r_1(i_1)V^r_2(i_2)\cdots V^r_d(i_d)\\
&=\sum_{l=1}^r \prod_{k=1}^d  V^l_k(i_k)


Some portions assume input is a numpy.array.


Compute the innerproduct of the SumSeparableTensor with another.

In theory this is

\langle T, U \rangle
= \sum_{i_1=1}^M\sum_{i_2=1}^M\cdots\sum_{i_d=1}^M

but it is actually computed by

\langle T, U \rangle 
=\sum_{l=1}^r \sum_{m=1}^s \prod_{k=1}^d
=\sum_{l=1}^r \sum_{m=1}^s \prod_{k=1}^d  \langle V^l_k, W^m_k

Parameters:other (SumSeparableTensor) – the tensor to take inner product with
Returns:scalar value of inner product

Can handle real or complex


Divide by its norm in place; return norm

to hold the state of the visualization

class trvtool.StateHolder(basepoints, plotrank=2, xytlist=None)

Holds the state of the visualization, for real tensors only.

Does not hold plotting parameters (zoom, orientation, etc.)

  • basepoints (list) – the 3 SumSeparableTensor that define the plotting plane.
  • plotrank (int >0) – separation rank of points to plot
  • xytlist (list or None) – the plotting points already computed as (x,y,angle)

From the basepoints computes and stores the following things that are reused often:

dimension: physical dimension, meaning number of indices in the tensor.

resolution: discretization parameter in each direction

angle, ratio: as returned by findMainGeometry

cosmainangle,sinmainangle: cos and sin of angle

IPmatrix: the matrix of inner products between base points, produced by makeGrammMatrix.

invIPmatrix: the inverse of IPmatrix.

static generate_state(dimension=3, resolution=3, plotrank=2, baserank=1)

Generate a state using random base Tensors.

info(doprint=False, verbose=2)

Return a string with info about self.

  • doprint (Boolean) – if True, also print the info
  • verbose

    how much to print

    verbose ==0 is the basic parameters

    verbose ==1 includes derived quantities

    verbose ==2 includes all the points

class trvtool.StateHolder_complex(basepoints, plotrank=2, xytlist=None)

Holds the state of the visualization, for complex tensors.

Does not hold plotting parameters (zoom, orientation, etc.)

  • basepoints (list) – the 2 SumSeparableTensor that define the plotting complex line.
  • plotrank (int >0) – separation rank of points to plot
  • xytlist (list or None) – the plotting points already computed as (x,y,angle)

From the basepoints computes and stores the following things that are reused often:

dimension: physical dimension, meaning number of indices in the tensor.

resolution: discretization parameter in each direction

IPmatrix: the matrix of inner products between base points, produced by makeGrammMatrix.

invIPmatrix: the inverse of IPmatrix.

info(doprint=False, verbose=2)

Return a string with info about self.

  • doprint (Boolean) – if True, also print the info
  • verbose

    how much to print

    verbose ==0 is the basic parameters

    verbose ==1 includes derived quantities

    verbose ==2 includes all the points

GUI windows and frames

class trvtool.TrimFrame(parent, radius=0.01)

Class for cropping points outside of desired rectangle, or covered.

  • parent – The frame that this one is inside.
  • radius – The radius to use to decide if one disc covers another; passed to the function trimcovered.

Has buttons:

  • ‘Crop’ to crop to an input rectangle.
  • ‘Trim Covered’ to remove covered points.

Updates parent.state when buttons are pushed.


Trims points from list outside of a given rectangle

NOTE: This is a permanent deletion of points from the xytlist.


Trims points covered by other points

class trvtool.LineFrame(parent)

Class for creating line of points.

Parameters:parent – The frame that this one is inside.

Has button ‘Line’ to create a line of points.

Updates parent.state when button is pushed.


Make a line of points

class trvtool.ALSFrame(parent)

Class for creating grid of points using Alternating Least Squares.

Parameters:parent – The frame that this one is inside.

Has button ‘ALS’ to create a grid of points, trying to fit those on the plane.

Updates parent.state when button is pushed.


Make a grid of points with ALS.


hardwired fitting parameters.

class trvtool.PostScriptFrame(parent)

Class for the option to plot to a printable .eps file.

Parameters:parent – The frame that this one is inside.

Has button ‘Render to’ to render to file.

Writes to file when button is pushed.


Actually write the EPS file.

Parameters:confirm (Boolean) – whether or not to display a confirmation window
class trvtool.state_display_dialog(parent)

Dialog for seeing full state.

Parameters:parent – the window or frame that generated this one.

result is always None.


Set up display of text, show stateholder info.


Validate the types of the entries.

Returns:1 , always
class trvtool.trv_visual_gui(master, state)

Start the window for a visualization over the reals.

  • master – the window or frame that generated this one.
  • state – The StateHolder with the visualization so far.

Save a state to a file


Display Help


Display info on state


Update the plot rank. If it decreases will clear xytlist.

class trvtool.new_random_dialog(parent)

Dialog for inputing parameters for a new random state.

Parameters:parent – the window or frame that generated this one.

The result of the dialog is in self.result.

If the dialog was cancelled, result is None. Otherwise it is a tuple (dimension,resolutions,baserank,plotrank)

resolutions is a list of ints of length dimension, and the others are ints. There is some validation of these entries.


Set up the entry fields.

We have:

  • field (R or C)
  • dimension
  • baserank
  • plotrank
  • resolutions

Validate the types of the entries.

Returns:1 if okay, 0 if not
class trvtool.new_manual_dialog(parent)

Dialog for manually inputting base tensors for a new state, real only.

Parameters:parent – the window or frame that generated this one.

The result of the dialog is in self.result.

If the dialog was cancelled, result is None. Otherwise it is a tuple (basis,plotrank)

basis is a list of 3 SumSeparableTensor plotrank is an int

There is some validation of these entries.


Set up the entry fields.

We have:

  • plotrank
  • 3 base tensors as list of list of list

Validate the types of the entries.

Returns:1 if okay, 0 if not
class trvtool.new_manual_dialog_complex(parent)

Dialog for manually inputting base tensors for a new state, complex.

Parameters:parent – the window or frame that generated this one.

The result of the dialog is in self.result.

If the dialog was cancelled, result is None. Otherwise it is a tuple (basis,plotrank)

basis is a list of 2 SumSeparableTensor plotrank is an int

There is some validation of these entries.


Set up the entry fields.

We have:

  • plotrank
  • 2 base tensors as list of list of list

Validate the types of the entries.

Returns:1 if okay, 0 if not
class trvtool.trv_start_frame(parent=None)

Start the frame for the Tensor Rank Visualization tool.


  • ‘Exit’ to exit
  • ‘Load’ to load a saved visualization
  • ‘New’ to start a new one, two versions

More than one visualization can be run from the same gui


Read a state from a file


Start a new visualization, manually entering base tensors, over R


Start a new visualization, manually entering base tensors, over C


Start a new visualization, random basepoints


Open new window that knows the state and can visualize.

Parameters:state (StateHolder) – the data for the visualization



Assign a list to an angle that will be interpreted later in PostScript as a color using the RGB colorspace.

Parabeter angle:
 angle between the plane and a target point, in radians. The angle should be between 0 and pi/2 radians.
Returns:color a list representing an RGB color


  • number and choice of colors is fixed, global
  • selection of angle breakpoints is fixed, global
trvtool.sortTuples(tuplelist, index, reverse=False)

Sort a list of tuples based on specified index.

  • tuplelist – a list of tuples
  • index – the tuple index to pay attention to
  • reverse (Boolean) – whether to do in reverse order

Sorted list

trvtool.makeEPSplot(xytlist, filename='tmp.eps', xleft=-1, xright=2, yleft=-1, yright=2, radius=0.02)

Write encapselated postscript version of the visualization to a file.

  • xytlist

    list of (x,y,t)

    x – x coordinate

    y – y coordinate

    t – angle in radians that the point is off the plane. Must be positive. Used to determine color.

  • radius – the radius of the disc to represent each point
  • filename – name of file to write to; should end .eps
  • xleft – xleft<x bound
  • xright – x<xright bound
  • yleft – yleft<y bound
  • yright – y<yright bound

Writes output to file.

trvtool.makeRandomSSTensor(dimension=3, rank=1, resolution=2, docomplex=False)

Return a random SumSeparableTensor of the specified shape.

  • dimension (int, >0) – the physical dimension of the tensor
  • rank (int, >0) – the separation rank of the tensor
  • resolution (int, >0) – the resolution of the 1-dimensional vectors
  • docomplex (Boolean) – if true, make complex

random SumSeparableTensor with the given parameters

trvtool.makeNearbySSTensor(sstensor, epsilon=0.1)

Return a small perturbation of a SumSeparableTensor.

  • sstensor (SumSeparableTensor) – the place to start
  • epsilon – how much to perturb each entry (at most)

Since we perturb each entry in the SumSeparableTensor, we do not produce a ball in the Tensor topology.

Can handle real or complex.

trvtool.makeLineofSSTensors(sstensor_left, sstensor_right, t_left=-1, t_right=2, numpts=10)

Create a line of SumSeparableTensor defined by two.

  • sstensor_left (SumSeparableTensor) – one point defining the line
  • sstensor_right (SumSeparableTensor) – second point defining the line
  • t_left – the extent of the line to the left; 0 starts at sstensor_left.
  • t_right – the extent of the line to the right; 1 stops at sstensor_right.
  • numpts – the number of points to produce. Must be >1

list of numpts instances of SumSeparableTensor


Make a square matrix of inner products

Parameters:thinglist – list of things with .innerproduct method
Returns:square matrix M[i,j]=\langle thinglist[j],thinglist[i]\rangle. Note that the row index appears in the second argument, which is conjugated in the complex case.

Does not take advantage of symmetry.

trvtool.makeRHSVector(thinglist, target)

Make a vector of inner products with target

  • thinglist – list of things with .innerproduct method
  • target – a single object of the same type

vector M[i]=\langle target,thinglist[i]\rangle. Note that the index appears in the second argument, which is conjugated in the complex case.


Find the angle #0 to #2 to #1 and ||#1-#2||/||#0-#2||

parameter thinglist:
 list of three things with .innerproduct method
returns:the angle formed going from thinglist[0] to thinglist[1] via thinglist[2] and ||thinglist[1]-thinglist[2]||/||thinglist[0]-thinglist[2]||

Angle is based on

= \frac{\langle T-W, U-W \rangle}{\|T-W\|\,\|U-W\|}


Only makes sense for real things, not complex.

trvtool.SSTensor_to_xyangle(sstensor, cosmainangle, sinmainangle, basepoints, IPmatrix, invIPmatrix)

Convert a SumSeparableTensor to its plotting coordinates and angle.

  • sstensor – the SumSeparableTensor to plot, must be real
  • cosmainangle – cosine of the main angle from findMainGeometry
  • sinmainangle – sine of the main angle from findMainGeometry
  • basepoints – the 3 SumSeparableTensor-s specifying the plotting plane
  • IPmatrix – 3x3 matrix produced from basepoints via makeGrammMatrix
  • invIPmatrix – the inverse of IPmatrix
Returns (x,y,t):

x is the x coordinate for the plot

y is the y coordinate for the plot

t is the angle that determines the color of the point

The plot is positioned and scaled so that basepoint[2] is at (0,0) and basepoint[0] is at (1,0).


There is a hardwired safety to avoid zero division

trvtool.SSTensor_to_xyangle_complex(sstensor, basepoints, IPmatrix, invIPmatrix)

Convert a SumSeparableTensor to its plotting coordinates and angle, complex.

  • sstensor – the SumSeparableTensor to plot, may be complex
  • basepoints – the 2 SumSeparableTensor-s specifying the plotting complex line
  • IPmatrix – 2x2 matrix produced from basepoints via makeGrammMatrix
  • invIPmatrix – the inverse of IPmatrix
Returns (x,y,t):

x is the x coordinate for the plot

y is the y coordinate for the plot

t is the angle that determines the color of the point

The plot is positioned and scaled so that basepoint[1] is at 0+0j and basepoint[0] is at 1+0j.

trvtool.xy_to_SSTensor(x, y, cosmainangle, sinmainangle, basepoints)

Convert a plotting coordinate (x,y) to a SumSeparableTensor.

  • x (float) – the plotting x-coordinate
  • y (float) – the plotting y-coordinate
  • cosmainangle – cosine of the main angle from findMainGeometry
  • sinmainangle – sine of the main angle from findMainGeometry
  • basepoints – the 3 SumSeparableTensor-s specifying the plotting plane

a tensor at that plotting location. It has the same dimension/resolution as the basepoints, but has rank the sum of the ranks.

Return type:


For real tensors plotted on a plane, not complex.

trvtool.xy_to_SSTensor_complex(x, y, basepoints)

Convert a plotting coordinate (x,y) to a SumSeparableTensor.

  • x (float) – the plotting x-coordinate (represents real)
  • y (float) – the plotting y-coordinate (represents imaginary)
  • basepoints – the 2 SumSeparableTensor-s specifying the plotting complex line

a tensor at that plotting location. It has the same dimension/resolution as the basepoints, but has rank the sum of the ranks.

Return type:


For complex tensors plotted on a complex line

trvtool.iscovered(xytlist, newpoint, r2)

See if a new point is already covered.

Lazy algorithm: detects if center is within some radius of another center.

Generally we want the points in xytlist to have smaller t (angle) than newpoint, but this routine does not check.

  • xytlist – list of points already included. The first two entries of each are the coordinates used
  • newpoint – the new (x,y,t) point to test.
  • r2 – the square of the radius used to decide. generally use half the radius you will actually plot with.

True if within sqrt(r2) of an existing point, otherwise False

trvtool.trimcovered(xytlist, radius, verbose=False)

Trim the plotting points so that covered ones are discarded.

Lazy algorithm: only assures most of the disc was covered

  • xytlist – list of the existing points. Each is (x,y,theta). x,y are the coordinates on the plane and theta the angle off the plane. Smaller angles can cover larger ones.
  • radius – the radius that will be used for plotting.

a subset of xytlist

trvtool.trimcovered_recursive(xytlist, radius, directsize=100, x_left=None, x_right=None, y_left=None, y_right=None, verbose=False)

Trim the plotting points so that covered ones are discarded.

Lazy algorithm: only assures most of the disc was covered.

Recursive version: first does some geometric splitting to avoid doing N^2 comparisons.

  • xytlist – list of the existing points. Each is (x,y,theta). x,y are the coordinates on the plane and theta the angle off the plane. Smaller angles can cover larger ones.
  • radius – the radius that will be used for plotting.
  • directsize – if less than this number of points, does not recurse.
  • x_left – the smallest x-coordinate of any point; solved for if entered as None
  • x_right – the largestest x-coordinate of any point; solved for if entered as None
  • y_left – the smallest y-coordinate of any point; solved for if entered as None
  • y_left – the largest y-coordinate of any point; solved for if entered as None

(interior,edge) two subsets of xytlist

  • interior – points that could not be covered by a point outside of the [x_left,x_right] by [y_left,y_right] rectangle
  • edge – points that could be covered

trvtool.Fit_SSTensor(target, guess, goodenough=1e-05, stuckfactor=1e-06, maxiter=100)

Fit to target starting from guess using alternating least squares.

Generally guess will be of lower rank, so we are trying to reduce rank.

  • target – SumSeparableTensor to fit to
  • guess – SumSeparableTensor to fit with. Must have the same dimension and resolution as target
  • goodenough – if ||target-guess||_2 < goodenough will stop
  • stuckfactor – if the relative decrease in ||target-guess||_2 becomes < stuckfactor will stop
  • maxiter – the maximum number of iterations to do in any case


guess – the improved guess

error – ||target-guess||_2

trvtool.Fit_SSTensor_growing(target, rank=1, growiter=2, goodenough=1e-05, stuckfactor=1e-06, maxiter=100)

Fit to target using alternating least squares, growing to rank desired.

Generally rank will be lower than the rank of target, so we are trying to reduce rank.

We start with a rank 1 guess, fit using it, increase its rank by 1, fit again, etc. until at the specified rank. We hope this will get us a pretty good approximation and avoid local minima. Then we do extra fitting at the last rank to try to get the optimal approximation.

  • target – SumSeparableTensor to fit to
  • rank (int >0) – The rank allowed for the approwimating SumSeparableTensor.
  • growiter – the number of iterations to do in any case
  • goodenough – if ||target-guess||_2 < goodenough will stop the iterations at the final rank
  • stuckfactor – if the relative decrease in ||target-guess||_2 becomes < stuckfactor will stop the iterations at the final rank
  • maxiter – the maximum number of iterations to do in any case at the final rank


guess – the best approximation found

error – ||target-guess||_2

trvtool.xytgrid_ALS(cosmainangle, sinmainangle, basepoints, IPmatrix, invIPmatrix, plotrank, x_left, x_right, y_left, y_right, points)

Make a grid of xyt points using ALS, over R.

  • cosmainangle – cosine of the main angle from findMainGeometry
  • sinmainangle – sine of the main angle from findMainGeometry
  • basepoints – the 3 SumSeparableTensor-s specifying the plotting plane
  • IPmatrix – 3x3 matrix produced from basepoints via makeGrammMatrix
  • invIPmatrix – the inverse of IPmatrix
  • plotrank (int >0) – separation rank of points to plot
  • x_left – left x value on the grid
  • x_right – right x value on the grid
  • y_left – left (bottom) y value on the grid
  • y_right – right (top) y value on the grid
  • points – the number of point in x and y to use, so we have points*points total

Note hardwired parameters for ALS.

trvtool.xytgrid_ALS_complex(basepoints, IPmatrix, invIPmatrix, plotrank, x_left, x_right, y_left, y_right, points)

Make a grid of xyt points using ALS, over C.

  • basepoints – the 2 SumSeparableTensor-s specifying the plotting complex line
  • IPmatrix – 2x2 matrix produced from basepoints via makeGrammMatrix
  • invIPmatrix – the inverse of IPmatrix
  • plotrank (int >0) – separation rank of points to plot
  • x_left – left x value on the grid
  • x_right – right x value on the grid
  • y_left – left (bottom) y value on the grid
  • y_right – right (top) y value on the grid
  • points – the number of point in x and y to use, so we have points*points total

Note hardwired parameters for ALS.

Test Routines

These routines should be called using the nosetests package with:


Test SumSeparableTensor.__add__.

We check that the concatenation used really corresponds to addition.


Test SumSeparableTensor.__rmul__.

We check that the array scalar multiplication used really corresponds to scalar multiplication.


Test properties of SumSeparableTensor.innerproduct.

\langle T,T \rangle >0

\langle T,U \rangle = \langle U, T \rangle for reals


Test consistency of findMainGeometry.

Switching the first and second tensors should give the same angle and 1/ratio.


Test SSTensor_to_xyangle.

We check that basepoints and combinations of them have angle 0.


Test makeEPSplot. Creates file test_makeEPSplot.eps to view.

Should produce the 3 corners of a triangle, the 3 midpoints of the sides, and the centroid.


Test StateHolder construction and info

Set assertion to false to see printout


Test makeNearbySSTensor and makeEPSplot.

Creates file test_makeNearbyEPSplot.eps to view.

Should produce the 3 corners of a triangle and random points near each.


Test makeLineofSSTensors and makeEPSplot.

Creates file test_makeLineEPSplot.eps to view.

Should produce the 3 corners of a triangle and a line connecting 2.


Test Fit_SSTensor.


Test Fit_SSTensor for complex target.


Test trimcovered.

Put in definitely covered point and make sure they are removed.


Test xytgrid_ALS

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